About Ken Fisher's The Only Three Questions That Count


The only way to make money in the market is by knowing what others don't. But how can you know that? Ken Fisher's 2006, New York Times Best Seller The Only Three Questions That Count, shows you exactly how—and how anyone can become a better investor by approaching investing as a science not a craft. No gimmicks, just Ken Fisher's established strategy and sound investment advice. And it's as easy as asking Three Questions.

In 2012’s The Only Three Questions That STILL Count, nearly every graph and data point has also been updated to reflect the most current data. Also, readers will find new commentary about the 2008 credit crisis and bear market and other market events through 2012.

More about the book...

You simply cannot find good investing opportunities unless you know something others don't. Yet, even doctoral programs don't teach you how to know the unknown—they teach investing as a craft. Investors hone a few skills and bang away at the market with conventional investment advice—buying low P/Es or high momentum or small caps or . . . whatever. And they wonder why so few are successful long-term.

Investors make decisions based on accepted market truths and investment advice. It's safer that way (so they think). They trade knowing high P/Es are risky and low P/Es are safer, and big federal budget deficits are bad for the economy and in turn for the stock market, and higher oil prices cause inflation and poor stock returns.

But hang on. Is any of that true? (Answer: No!) Have you ever asked if any of what you believe is true? Ken Fisher will show you how to stop the cycle of failure by disproving harmful and pervasive market myths for yourself—using nothing more than a little curiosity.

Ken Fisher will also show you how to make stock market bets and win based on new, never-before-discovered or widely disregarded patterns—like how to capitalize on the growth/value cycle. Or how to get excess returns out of acquisition targets. Or which years are likeliest to give you stellar stock performance. And Ken Fisher will show you how to find more advantages for yourself.

Most investors fail not because of a lack of training or knowledge, but because humans are hard-wired, through millennia of evolution, to deal with survival problems. We are not hard-wired to deal with capital markets, which are inherently counterintuitive. But you can counteract that. You can learn how your brain deceives you, and retrain it to see markets properly. Once you do that, you will no longer be fooled by conventional investment advice or blind to remarkable patterns. You will know what others don't.

Knowing what others don't isn't hard. You don't need an advanced degree, fancy certifications, or years of apprenticeship. All you need is a scientific method—a simple yet disciplined query process. You need to ask important questions—as long as they are the right questions leading to an actionable advantage over your peers.

First we need a question helping us where we see wrongly. Then we need one helping us where we don't see at all. Thirdly, we need one helping us sense reality when our eyes aren't appropriate at all as tools. You get them all in Ken Fisher's investment book.

First we need a question helping us where we see wrongly. Then we need one helping us where we don't see at all. Thirdly, we need one helping us sense reality when our eyes aren't appropriate at all as tools. You get them all in Ken Fisher's investment book.

Market truths, bettable advantages, and big mistakes to avoid. You receive sound investment advice with the Three Questions.